Please note that the Coronado Beach Association Board meetings will be on hiatus until February 2025.
Board of Trustees
Communications - BRUCE RANSOM
Concert Committee Liaison - BELLAMY PRINTZ
Park Superintendent - PATRICK LEAHY
President - MAREK OWCA
Secretary - NERIS KLIMAS
Treasurer - JUDE AYERS
Vice-President - BELLAMY PRINTZ
Duties of Officers
Please see the full C.B.A. Bylaws document here.
President: It shall be the responsibility of the President to preside at all Board of Trustees meetings, the Annual meeting and any Special meeting that may be called, to perform all duties required of this office by these bylaws, to deliver all C.B.A. property and records to successors, and is the designated signatory for all C.B.A. business as authorized by the Board of Trustees.
Vice President: It shall be the responsibility of the Vice President to assist the President and to carry out other duties that may be delegated by the President.
Secretary: It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to record and keep written copies of all proceedings at Board of Trustee, Annual, and any Special meetings of C.B.A. It shall also be the responsibility of the Secretary to safely keep the following: official documents belonging to C.B.A. (Incorporation papers, deeds, etc.), current and previous bylaws, membership roster of C.B.A. (and those who do not have good standing status), reports from officers and committee chairpersons, all correspondence, all orders from any constituted authority and a list of all properties of C.B.A. and its locations.
Treasurer: A Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees to collect fees assessed by C.B.A., deposit such monies in duly authorized C.B.A. accounts, pay such bills as authorized by the Board of Trustees, maintain access to a safe deposit box where C.B.A. accounts are held, maintain the authorized United States Postal Service P.O. Box, report at Board of Trustees meetings on the financial status of C.B.A. and prepare an annual financial report to present at the Annual meeting. The Treasurer position is a non-voting.
Standing Committees
Park Superintendent: A chairperson shall be appointed from within the Board of Trustees. Its function is to oversee the maintenance and improvements in the park.
Activities: A chairperson shall be appointed from within the Board of Trustees. Its function shall be to plan various activities the membership.
Sunshine: A chairperson shall be appointed from within the Board of Trustees. Its function is to act as the general memberships’ liaison to those that are experiencing life-changing events, welcoming new residents, and giving best regards to those that move.
Communications: A chairperson shall be appointed from within the Board of Trustees. Its function is to create and distribute flyers, newsletters, signage, and call-trees and maintain the C.B.A. calendar of events.